Marilyn Red Carpet Slot - Online Casino Game

Marilyn Red Carpet Slot

Marilyn Red Carpet Slot is an exciting online casino game inspired by the iconic Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe. It features five reels and three rows, with 20 paylines. The game is set against a backdrop of a red carpet event, with Marilyn standing on the left side of the screen. The symbols on the reels include Marilyn's lipstick, sunglasses, diamond necklace, and a magazine with her face on it, among others. There are also special symbols, such as the wild diamond and Marilyn's red lips scatter symbol, which trigger the bonus round of free spins. With its glamorous atmosphere and multiple opportunities to win big, Marilyn Red Carpet Slot is a game that will keep players entertained for hours.

Marilyn Red Carpet Slot Screenshot
Marilyn Red Carpet Slot


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